The heart and soul of the Southern Forests Food Council is its members with over 100 producers ranging from large scale operators to niche farmers. No matter the size, all of the Food Council members have one thing in common - they are genuine down-to-earth locals.
The Food Council values its members immensely. They are renowned for growing world-class produce, including more than 50 different types of fruit and vegetables, truffles, marron, beef cattle and much more.

Genuinely Southern Forests

Genuinely Southern Forests

Genuinely Southern Forests

Genuinely Southern Forests

Genuinely Southern Forests
You are welcome to join with the Southern Forests Food Council as a Member. Membership fees are arranged in a tiered structure depending on the offerings relevant to you. Further details can be found at the links below.
On behalf of the Committee of Management, the Food Council formally invites the Southern Forests communities and associated stakeholders to submit applications for GENUINE or ASSOCIATE membership depending on your eligibility. To understand the eligibility criteria, please refer to our Rules of Association which can be downloaded from the relevant link at the end of this section.
In brief, Full Membership of the Food Council is open to:
Those who either produce food from the Region;
Have a direct association with primary industry in the Region; or
Have a direct association with food and tourism industries in the Region.
Please download and complete a SFFC Member Application Form, which can be found at the end of this section, and return to our office to demonstrate your support.

Genuinely Southern Forests produce

Genuinely Southern Forests produce

Genuinely Southern Forests produce

Genuinely Southern Forests produce

Genuinely Southern Forests produce
The Genuinely Southern Forests Western Australia brand mark or logo can be used by Southern Forests Food Council members. The brand mark has a number of minor variations that can be seen in the Brand Code of Practice document. This brand mark is predominantly for food producers/growers.
The preferred version is Genuinely Southern Forests Western Australia, however members can use the version that highlights their town, if they prefer.
Once you become a member of the Southern Forests Food Council you can apply under the Brand Code of Practice application form, which can be found on page 8 of the document. Once approved this will allow you to use the brand in your selected and approved manner e.g. on your website, brochures etc.
A Genuinely Southern Forests Supporter category has also been created to allow those people and businesses that are not food producers or growers to participate and use the brand mark. If you are a local business, tourism operator or association for example, you can apply under the Brand Code of Practice to use the Genuinely Southern Forests Supporter brand mark on your promotional material.
Membership forms and Brand Code of Practice forms can be downloaded from the links below and once you have completed them you can drop them off to the Food Council office or email them through to
It’s that simple! Even simpler, drop into the office and the team will help you fill them out.